ニュース — B2B
Happy Mother's Day ♥
2024 B2B bracelet Furoshiki wrapping cloth gift gift for mother handmade japan travel Japanese Juzu Rosary japanesecrafts japaneseculture kumihimo new items

Life is a gift. Mother's Day is coming soon. It's time to express how much we appreciate all the mothers who have taken care of us throughout our lives and how grateful we are for their love and support. At Kyoto Asahiya, we suggest the perfect gift for you. 【8mm Aizen indigo wild cherry tree wood Bracelet】 【Tozaburo x Kyoto Asahiya kumihimo bracelet】 【Kumihimo Silk Bracelet 10 Colors】 【Olive Tree Wooden Bracelet 5 colors】 【8mm Kyoto Kiyomizu-yaki & Crystal Bracelet】 【6mm 108 beads Rose Quartz Bracelet】 【6mm 108 Sandalwood Tiger Eye Bracelet】 【Blue...
Autumn news 秋のおすすめ商品
2023 2024 autumn B2B bracelet Furoshiki gift handmade japanesecrafts japaneseculture Wrapping

本日は、秋のおすすめ商品のご紹介です❕🍁秋の商品と一緒に秋を楽しみましょう🍁 ・・・・風呂敷・・・・ ・京都 風呂敷🍁-祇王寺 $49.00 USD ・kotoima 15種類🌼フキヨセ $12.00 ・日本のかたち くらしにリズム🎃鹿ヶ谷なんきん $12.00 ・芹沢銈介模様🍵-いろは文 $19.00 ・Checkerd Pattern◆ $29.00 USD ・・・・ブレスレット・・・・ ・ウィスキーウッド琥珀ブレスレット✨8mm/11mm $75.00 USD ・藍染山桜ブレスレット✨8mm/12mm $69.00 USD ・栴檀ブレスレット✨7mm/10mm/13mm $18.00 ・6mm 黒オニキス二重巻きブレスレット✨ $49.00 ・9mm 蝋琥珀ブレスレット✨ $599.00 Please check them out!
Summer Holidays Sale & Closing Notice
2022 B2B Closing Notice NY NOW sale summer trade show

Due to the summer holidays in Japan, we will be closed on August 11th - August 21th (Japan time). Please note that there will be possible delay in processing orders during this period.We will resume normal business on August 22th .Thank you for your kind understanding, and wishing you all have wonderful holidays. Meanwhile, All order is 10% off for summer sale. You can find us in NY NOW trade show on 8/14-8/17. Welcome to meet us and have some fun. Our booth number : #2678 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. 2022/8/14-17 EXHIBIT HALL LOCATION : JACOB K. JAVITS CONVENTION CENTER 429...
2021 B2B customize Service Wholesale

この度、数珠・風呂敷・ブレスレットの大量購入・卸売り・B2Bサービスを始めました。ご希望の場合、ぜひお気軽にご利用ください。 大量購入・卸売り